HING (ASFOETIDA)

HING (ASFOETIDA) ,A VERY IMPORTANT INGREDIENT OF INDIAN CUISINE. ITS ALSO HAS MEDICINAL PROPERTIES. It is used in Sauté for curries and vegetables and loved for the distinct aroma. Resin  obtained from the  root of Hing plant is used as spice.

Hing, has a pungent taste and hot potency. It helps in reducing kapha and vata dosha. It is noted to be sangyasthapan meaning herbs which are helpful to restore   consciousness.  It is deepaniya that is it helps in improving digestion. It aggravates pitta dosha. People having Pitta prakriti should use hing with caution.

 According to modern nutrition, this spice provides fiber, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorous, iron, and rich in vitamin B2 andB3. It has carminative action. 

When using Hing powder one should be careful as the hing  powder that  we get in market  is mixed with flour ;pure hing is in semi-solid consistency, and for better judgment for use it’s mixed with flour.; hence care should be taken by people who have gluten allergies.

Hingvashtak  churnam one of the well-known medicine of Ayurveda, is good for improving digestion and also excellent carminative. Quarter teaspoon of this medicine should be had just before lunch and dinner with ghee or warm water.

Hing powder paste applied to chest helps in reducing chest congestion. Hing powder paste with ghee applied around the navel helps in reducing bloating and colic pain, useful even for kids. 

Quarter teaspoon hing powder, a pinch of haldi and quarter teaspoon of dry ginger powder mixed with honey taken twice a day helps to reduce cough especially chest congestion.

Half teaspoon Hing powder along with jeera , fennel and ajwain powder   1 teaspoon each mixed and stored in airtight container. This powder taken half teaspoon 15 minutes before lunch and dinner is excellent in improving digestion.

Having a pinch of hing powder with warm water every day before lunch and dinner, reduces chances of intestinal worm infestation.  It also aides weight loss.

A pinch of Hing powder ,quarter teaspoon jeera powder  with salt as per taste  added to Buttermilk  is an excellent drink and  age old remedy in reducing bloating and improving digestion. It is a much loved drink had at the end of lunch and dinner!

--Dr. Pradnya Bedekar


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